
Frank Blum works since the 90´s at the interface between science and art. Scientific curiosity and the desire to experiment are always the decisive impulse to deal with new theories and discoveries of science and in cooperation with research institutions like the Max-Planck-Institute or German Heart Center to interpret them artistically.

From 2017 to 2019 he was responsible for the development of intuitive control of camera movements with industrial robotic arm at gfai tech.

After his studies in photodesign, sociology and film, he works as a director, DOP and editor for music and tv productions.

His short films, installations and sculptures has been exhibited at Kunstwerke (Berlin), Postfuhramt (Berlin), Kampnagel (Hamburg), Max Planck institute (Halle) and other renowned galleries, festivals and institutions. In that time he has involved himself in designing for film sets and interior designs of Club’s ( e.g. E-werk, Casino, Polar-TV).

Please see also Frank Blum´s photo and video work:
Photos @ Westend61


2021 Easy Rider Road Show – Vol. 2, Märkisches Museum, Berlin
2020 London Biennale, New York, Manila, Berlin
2017 metronomics, Another vacant space, Berlin
2013 CODED, SEAM2103, Sydney
2010 Room of memories, Centrum Judaicum, Berlin
2009 Zentrallabor EVA, Kunstgewerbemuseum Berlin, Berlin
2008 Lange Nacht der Wissenschaften, Institut für Kristallzüchtung, Berlin
2007 Alles im Fluß, Galerie Stil & Bruch, Berlin
2005 Experience Art, Artcenter Berlin
2004 Jetzt und 10 Jahre davor, Kunstwerke, Berlin
2004 Reclaim your mind, Kampnagel, Hamburg
2003 Dark, Berliner Kunstprojekt, Berlin
2000 Spinresonator, Max-Planckinstitut für Mikrostrukturphysik, Halle an der Saale
1999 Kosmische Konstanten und magnetische Felder, Inkarma, Berlin
1999 Tagung der deutschen physikalischen Gesellschaft, Münster
1999 …ab die Post  ́99, Postfuhramt Berlin,Berlin
1998 Neuronale Hetze, Galerie C4, Berlin,
1998 2.Berliner Kongreß für Performance & Visual Art, Berlin
1998 Berlin Beta, Berlin
1998 Untersicht, Galerie Weißer Elefant, Berlin
1997 Aurum & Electra, Montessorischule, München
1997 Circles of confusion, Volksbühne, Berlin
1996 Ceratische Ritualien, Spätverkauf Volksbühne, Berlin
1996 Chromapark, E-Werk, Berlin
1996 Antigravitative Fields, WMF, Berlin
1996 S.L.O.G.G.I.-Versuchsaufbau, Tacheles, Berlin
1995 Weltall, Erde, Mensch, Aktionsgalerie, Berlin
1994 Chromapark, E-Werk, Berlin
1992 Manibajamana X, Galerie Acud, Berlin
1989 Astralarchaic Signs, Galerie Formart, Duisburg
1988 Mutoid Waste Company, Görlitzer Bahnhof, Berlin
1987 Kopfschmerz, Stuttgarter Hof, Berlin


2009 Zentrallabor EVA, Kunstgewerbemuseum Berlin
1999 …ab die Post  ́99, Postfuhramt Berlin, Aktionsgalerie
1998 Untersicht, Galerie Weißer Elefant
1996 Chromapark, E-Werk
1994 Chromapark, E-Werk

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